Why not incinerate it, generate electricity, clean up the exhaust gas and landfill the ash?

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A friend of mine used to work in the sanitation department of a city that had two recyclable sort trailers in town. He told me that when they would go out and get them, everything in them would go to the landfill.

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You neglect the tremendous value recycling has in virtue signaling. During a recent election in Portland, ME, candidates were interviewed for profiles. One of the questions was, “How many recycling bins do you fill each week?” The higher the number, the greater virtue value!

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Excellent work!

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The environmentalist are complaining? They're the mentally handy capped bunch that started it back in the 60's. Crying that the use of paper products was leading to the total destruction of the rain forest on a planetary scale.

Now we have everything/one swimming in plastic, micro and nano. But, blame it all on corporations. Well, some of it anyway.

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Like so much of America, “recycling” is fake and gay — finding patsies to take the crap — and then surreptitiously tossing it into landfill, bodies of water, or incineration.

Meanwhile, dubious municipal water supplies (likely fluoridated) requires that we haul around “recyclable” plastic water bottles which are secreted into fake “recyclable” bins.

Like “healthcare”, “education” and “public transportation”, it’s grotesque feel good onanism.

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Our household is getting more and more breakdown of plastic into stickiness. Not sure if this is because some recycled plastic is added to the remaining plastic or what. It used to be older (ca 2000s) plastic was what was getting sticky years later. Now it's even relatively newer plastic like our Direct TV remotes. Yet our 1970s-1980s Tupperware has no stickiness at all.

I wonder if this seeming breaking down process is what's causing so much microplastic in the body now. I do know the result is waste as nothing resolves this issue so the plastic has to be put into the garbage.

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There's what is known as "return for deposit ". Glass can be reused many times after washing

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That's why I don't do it. As with all things liberal, it makes no sense and the laws of unintended consequences are always ignored in favor of some silly agenda.

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