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Consider a missing a major point.

The "Russians" desire for world conquest. Consider East and West Germany and one gets the idea.

Had the war not been brought to a quick halt, the Russians would have taken Japan for themselves.

The Consider Podcast

Examining today's madness, folly and wisdom.


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That assumption is pure folly if not 100% pure bullshit (w/no additives). Do you think that just maybe US command like Eisenhower and others would not have been aware of something like that, or do those wizards know better? And yet they (top US personnel) still said it was unnecessary. Second the Soviets did not have the logistics for a major amphibious landing on their own capable of occupying the entireity of the Japanese islands. Estimates from the US war dept. state that total US casualties for the war would have been at least four times higher than they were with an invasion of Japan. That is the primary reason that an island nation like Japan was never invaded - the closest they came to that was 1281 when the Mongol dynasty of Kublai Khan of China attempted it. And similarly, the primary reason that the last time the British had invading troops on their island was the Second Anglo-Dutch war in 1667 (once they developed a superior Navy, they became impossible to sneak up on and attack from the water; Napoleon planned one in 1805 however aborted due to pure logistical impossibility) - Hitler called off the planned invasion of Britain [Op Sea Lion] on Sept 17, 1940 for the identical reasons. Apart from all of that nobody but nobody suffered more during WW2 than the Soviet Union. They absorbed more than 3/4 of the availability that Hitler's Wehrmacht fielded starting in June of '41, and fully 80% of all Wehrmacht permanent losses occurred in the Soviet Union/Eastern front, and why the USSR lost 28 million people (combined civilian & military) and suffered some total estimated 29 million military casualties (of all kinds - POW, WIA, KIA, missing, etc., & the bulk of Germany's forced labor were Soviet men captured and sent West where most ended up dead). The Soviets were not anxious to go either East or West on any imperial campaigns, they were more war weary than any of the other allied nations. And also Stalin did not subscribe to 'Comintern' (international communism) which is one reason Lenin did not want Stalin to succeed him, Stalin was an advocate of "socialism in one country". The iron curtain (Warsaw Pact) was merely intended as a buffer zone between the Soviets and Europe to prevent another major invasion like the one they just experienced that commenced on 22 June 1941 when nearly 4 million Wehrmacht and satellite troops began pouring into the Soviet Union accross a 1000 mile front. What the US & Western allies encountered in Western Europe and the Med was a mere fraction of what the Wehrmacht/Axis fielded. Refer to Mein Kampf vol.2 ch. 14 (Eastern Policy) and Hitler himself will explain to you why the conquest and destruction of the Soviet Union was no. 1 on his foreign policy task list, Western Europe was a side show, necessary but secondary in importance.

The salient Point here is that the Soviets, in spite of the conflicts that Russia (and subsequent USSR) had with Japan since 1904, they were in no position to perform the conquest that your piece is suggesting. Whoever wrote that was just pissing up a rope (and forgot to bring an umbrella).

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