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The author of this article wasn’t there nor was I but my grand pa was and let me tell you it is not America’s fault Japan decided to pull a bone head move by attacking Pearl Harbor. Really? I don’t think the general public even realize what those boys went through during war2. When an admiral was circling Bataan safe in his ship he refused to rescue the marines and left them with no ammo or food & no cover fire. The japs took pows on the Bataan death march and there was a river on the left & a river on the right. The river on the right was clean water but on the left side of river is where they decapitated U.S.Soldiers and threw their heads in the left side of river. Then if a pow tried to drink the clean water they would make them drink from the water with the dead heads in it then decapitate them.So I don’t feel sorry for japs at all. I know it is wrong but hey they threw the first punch.

My Grand Pa volunteered joining the USMC. He was older. He was a Di. He was deployed to a Japanese island & just after his arrival him and his unit hit a land mine while in a troop transport truck. Most of his men were killed but my grand Pa survived landing on his head breaking his neck. So his command offered him a choice. Either allowing him to remain a Marine and become a desk sgt in which they would fuse his cervical spine so he could look down and do paper work or fuse his cervical spine so he would be looking forward and be discharged thereby becoming a civilian. Gpa chose to stay and have his neck fused looking down which would cause his death 30 years later. Sadly enough. He began having chest pain while him & GMA were shopping. She took him to every hospital on they way to be forced to go to a V.A. hospital. Back then a vet couldn’t be treated at a public hospital. No one would help him. So they finally get to VA hospital. 45 mins away. I remember I was 10 the hospital nazis wouldn’t let me see my gpa so I had a total fit like a snickers commercial. Still wouldn’t let me see him. So my uncle took me to his room and the door opened he had been there for hours he was still in his green work dickies uniform lying on a gurneyi it was the last time I would see him alive. He waved at me. I don’t know why no one let me hug him good bye just one more time. Later they would accidentally kill my gpa because they didn’t have his medical records because of some fire where all records were lost. So anyway va interns didn’t know his neck/cervical spine was fused they were trying to open his airway via incision but his chin was on top of it so they yanked his head back broke his neck and killed him. Duh.

Well if Gpa hadn’t survived the extra 30 years I would have never knew him at all. Weird how things work out.

They were GREAT GRAND PARENTS Best a kid could ever ask for.. Lovem sooo much still. They don’t make like that anymore.

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Check this article and see how we were lied by the masters of the wars.


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