When I grew up in a cabinet was a booklet given to WW2 soldiers....the pledge was in there....but the words "under God" were not in there.

When the words were added by Congress and Eisenhower (I think Eisenhower...though Truman was a big "loyalty oath" supporter)....when the words were added it became even more offensive....what about those people who don't believe in God?

What about agnostics Who are not sure there is a God? maybe there is and maybe there is not one or more Gods...whatever a "God" would be defined as ...?

What about those who believe in multiple God's....whether Indigenous people or even Hindu immigrants or converts .....of believers in the ancient Greek or Roman God's?

According to this pledge none of these

other people are good equal loyal

citizens !!!

Dodobbird.pixels.com (art)

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Brian, Good to meet you today at the Ron Paul Scholars Seminar! I always feel uncomfortable with public pledges and making physical displays of patriotism or religion…. I pledge allegiance to my wife and family! My country? It has to earn my willing cooperation and respect… but no pledges or signs of the cross from me.

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While in High School I did not participate in the pledge. Pledging oath towards corruption was my response to things like Johnson telling us about the absurd idea of a torpedo attack by a very small nation; Vietnam. We as a people should be the masters, not worshippers of a government that acts as a dictatorship without the consent of the State’s Representatives. Enjoyed your assessment & I find no fault with your writing. One nation is not the definition of a Republic! It’s brutal, programming children to be as sycophants. War is not the answer, real civilizations are civil.

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While I won't pledge allegiance, I'll salute you for catching on far earlier in life than I did! Thank you for your reading and your feedback.

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I just discovered this article thanks to your most recent which was posted on ZeroHedge. I could not agree more with you. I served 16 years in the military and did multiple combat deployments but I resigned and stopped reciting this pledge of loyalty to a satanic state in 2012.

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Brian: This is an excellent read. The title of the article would be more fitting if it read "Why Free People Shouldn't Pledge Allegiance". The term "Patriot" connotes nationalistic fervor or someone who will blindly follow their tyrannical government. This is a great example of how people have been duped into subordinating themselves to tyranny.

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Alvan - Thank you for your enlightened essay...as a 80 something male, my child and adult mind always had the states front and center when I was in school and now as a Planning and Zoning Commissioner...here is how I would rewrite our Pledge Allegiance: "I pledge Allegiance to the United States of America, and to the Republic States for which they stand, one united Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and Natural Law guidance for all."

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Good try Alvan, but it still feels uncomfortable for me. I like the effort though!

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THANK you. Very well said.

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You should read "The Children's Story" by James Clavell. It's a 10-minute read at most and distills this idea down to its most essential bits. It takes place in an America that lost the war against a foreign enemy, in an elementary school classroom on the morning that a scared class of children is due to meet New Teacher for the first time.

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Thank you for the suggestion. I hadn't heard of that before. Others can read the story here:


I found where it was turned into a 1982 TV episode for "Mobil Showcase." The young teacher is played by Clavell's daughter (who was also in the Bond movie "Octopussy"):


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Very interesting article. Texas has had a State Flag Pledge since 1933.

"Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."


My suggestion, is the following revision, to include powers granted by the Constitution to States and We the People.

"I pledge allegiance to the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America, and to the flag which is a symbol of it, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all. And I acknowledge the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to We the People."

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Pledging allegiance to a contract you did not sign?

and the colors associated with it?

By a Group of BRITISH americans who lived in BRITISH america and have been dead for 200+ years???

Well that is just bizarre..............

Here is THE stark reality:

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist" ----- Lysander Spooner 'The Constituion of No Authority'

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I like your 10th Amendment-flavored finale.

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The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the Nazi salute and Nazi behavior (that is one of the many amazing discoveries by the historian Dr. Rex Curry). I wish you had been familiar with Dr. Curry's work before you wrote this piece. The Bellamy salute did not merely resemble the salute under Hitler's socialism, it was the origin of that salute and that behavior, and the gesture was performed in the USA exactly in the same manner. http://rexcurry.net In your article you did not ask or examine the influence of the USA's socialist Bellamy salute upon Hitler's socialism. Nor did you explore where Hitler obtained the gesture for his socialism. Perhaps you can write more about this.

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Study the bloody jewish-led communist revolution in 1918 Germany and the transgender Weimar hell and usury that followed and you will understand why the Germans were fed up.

Now the same Bolsheviks are here, and all people can do is whine about Nazis.

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The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the Nazi salute and Nazi behavior (that is one of the many amazing discoveries by the historian Dr. Rex Curry). I wish you had been familiar with Dr. Curry's work before you wrote this piece. The Bellamy salute did not merely resemble the salute under Hitler's socialism, it was the origin of that salute and that behavior, and the gesture was performed in the USA exactly in the same manner. http://rexcurry.net In your article you did not ask or examine the influence of the USA's socialist Bellamy salute upon Hitler's socialism. Nor did you explore where Hitler obtained the gesture for his socialism. Perhaps you can write more about this.

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Here's an alternative Pledge of Allegiance that I think you might appreciate: https://losthorizons.com/ThePledge.pdf (and you can see/hear it recited at https://youtu.be/gERi3Rm8V-s).

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Why do we need any pledge at all? Free will and natural law do not require any pledging.

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It is not about "race" - it is about the Law that governs. There are three bodies of law mentioned in the Constitution - in Law, Equity, and Maritime/Admiralty - the key section for our protection in the Bill of Rights is called - Nature and Cause - that being what is the "nature of the body of law" and what is the cause of action within that law we are charged with - only two of the bodies of law have "criminal penalties" - that is the common law, and the maritime/admiralty - the common law requires an injured party as the one complaining - maritime/admiralty is totally different. So if someone is being charged with a criminal penalty the body of law makes a BIG difference in their rights being protected.

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• In 1892 The U.S. Supreme Court declared that America was "a Christian nation."

• That case was overturned in 1931. "We are a nation with the duty to survive" the Court said, and a Christian whose allegiance to the nation is qualified by a greater allegiance is a threat to national survival. Our "government must go forward upon the assumption, and safely can proceed upon no other, than unqualified allegiance to the nation and submission and obedience to the laws of the land" is more important than conscientious obedience to the God of the Bible. [Macintosh]

• In 1945, based on the 1931 case, a Christian was barred from becoming an attorney because his allegiance to God was greater than his allegiance to the State.

• Allegiance to the King is essential.

What is definition of Allegiance?

1a : the obligation of a feudal vassal to his liege lord. b(1) : the fidelity owed by a subject or citizen to a sovereign or government I pledge allegiance to my country. (2) : the obligation of an alien to the government under which the alien resides.

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Allegiance is the entomology of "religion" - to "re-alliege" and - the liege lord being the one to whom we kneel and consent to obey - Christians already have "one King" who has our allegiance

and the supreme court determined that no Christian can join the American Bar Association - I have the court case, and therefore we have a bunch of Lucifer followers leading America

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~~ "Your American Yardstick" by Hamilton Abert Long is one of the better reads at explaining the "American Idea", and there's quotes galore. Cheapest source I've found is Abebooks.com -- Amazon, ThriftbooksDOTcom, Alibris, are about $40 more. And to think I use-ta buy these by the case and give em away. One quote I like, on term limits:

"It seems to have been imagined by some that the returning to the mass of the people was degrading the magistrate (elected office). This he thought was contrary to republican principles. In free Governments the rulers are the servants, and the people their superiors and sovereigns. For the former therefore to return among the latter was not to DEGRADE but to PROMOTE them-- and it would be imposing an unreasonable burden on them, to keep them always in a State of servitude, and not allow them to become again one of the Masters."

[Emphasis per original]

(Remarks in Framing Convention, 1787, as summarized by Madison in his record)


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What an interesting and even entertaining quote, Kenn. Thank you for that and the book recommendation--I just snapped up a copy via Abebooks. I appreciate you shopping around for me! (For other readers here--there's one more copy at $10)

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