Complex systems can't be controlled. They are best managed with minimal tweaks based on an empirical approach and feedback loops that allow for correction. It's like driving a car down a road, keep your eye on the road and adjust speed and direction constantly while being prepared to take quick evasive action. There are many routes and many unknowns that can derail the trip.
Where is the unbiased, proven 98% accurate testing method that needs to be employed during a pandemic? Without a solid, pre-tested and standardized method to determine who does and who doesn't have any virus or what type of virus they have, there is absolutely no trusted basis for claiming cases or deaths resulting from those claimed cases.
The CDC has said that they will not use the PCR test after 2021. They have admitted to the public that the PCR tests are virtually useless, thus the pandemic has no merit or unquestionable facts supporting it. So what are they using now to determine who has the variants or covid? Nowhere are they saying what testing methods are being used.
What happened to the regular flu cases, millions of them, that went missing during the 2020-2021 flu season? How do you get a spike in flu cases in the middle of summer, two years in a row, which has never occurred before? How does pharma explain the fact that according to their trial results, stages 2-3 the ARR, or absolute risk reduction, for the mRNA injections is near 1%? This is the true measure of their effectiveness. And now were are seeing that truth as the injection efficacy is falling rapidly.
Yes, one of the casualties of the pandemic is a total distortion of the term "case," which was hitherto meant to mean someone who is ill, but now refers to someone who may have a tiny fragment of destroyed virus left over in the after body after their immune system handily defeated it without the individual ever feeling a thing.
It's interesting to read about Hitler's & the Nazi Party's extreme oppression of liberties, via their medical fascism, in their quest to combat the reported TB problem of the day.
A medical fascism that became a main focus of the Nuremberg Code.
The root of the word & concept "liberal" being traced to the Latin liber, which means "free".
I am disgusted by many contemporary "liberals", whom are recently behaving more like many "conservatives", those "conservatives" that advocated suppression of individual liberties, via acts like the Patriot Act, the War on Drugs, the War on Terrorism, etc.
Similar campaigns of the spreading of fear.
Governmental control has been a two-way street.
It fascinates me how each group of loyal "partisan" followers can so easily recognize & call-out the failures of the actions of their "opponents", but similarly completely fail to recognize the massive failures of the actions of their "own" groups/party.
Groupthink is perhaps amongst the greatest dangers of human Nature.
Cicero said “The one who engages in conversation,
“should not debar others from participating in it, as
if he were entering upon a private monopoly; but,
as in other things, so in a general conversation he
should think it not unfair for each to have his turn.”
There is way too much pig-headedness, way too little cooperation & consideration.
Divide & Conquer has been amonst the most effective strategies for population control.
As is being demonstrated, again, in contemporary times.
A major consequence of amongst the most massive concentrations of wealth & assets in modern times.
The same Cartel of largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks (like Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, Invesco, JP Morgan, the Capital Group, et al), which now exist as the largest investors/controlling shareholders of the largest "competing" corporations, in most every single industry, including the mass media of both the "left" and "right", are profiting off all wars - wars on drugs, wars on terrorism, wars on viruses, wars on the irrational fears of everything.
To everyone I say, JUDGE THYSELF FIRST.
In 2017, the U.S. Census published a special report on the coming "Death Boom", a natural & rapidly rising increase in deaths resulting from the Baby Boom that began in the 1940's.
1946 saw about a 25 percent increase in birth rates.
The cohort life expectancy in 1946 was about 74 yrs (average male/female).
1946 + 74 = 2020.
As per the CDC the group most at-risk from "death from covid" has been the 85+ age group.
Those already about 12 pct beyond their cohort life expectancy.
Factor in that the Baby Boom generation has also been called the "Me first" generation.
Dominated by an extremely large group of people that believe the rest of the world exists merely to serve them.
Like taking extreme measures to protect them from any/all threats to their health.
These are facts that most no one is factoring into the "pandemic" deaths.
Too many people have wasted their lives, working for most purely selfish means & goals.
Thank you for your thoughts. I agree particularly about how "liberals" and "conservatives" each take positions that are inconsistent with their generally-espoused principles.
"The lockdowns are looking less like a gigantic error and more like the unfolding of a fanatical political ideology and policy experiment that attacks core postulates of civilization at their very root."
The 3 Myths of Management:
1) The illusion of control
2) There is one right answer
3) There is always someone or something to blame.
Complex systems can't be controlled. They are best managed with minimal tweaks based on an empirical approach and feedback loops that allow for correction. It's like driving a car down a road, keep your eye on the road and adjust speed and direction constantly while being prepared to take quick evasive action. There are many routes and many unknowns that can derail the trip.
Where is the unbiased, proven 98% accurate testing method that needs to be employed during a pandemic? Without a solid, pre-tested and standardized method to determine who does and who doesn't have any virus or what type of virus they have, there is absolutely no trusted basis for claiming cases or deaths resulting from those claimed cases.
The CDC has said that they will not use the PCR test after 2021. They have admitted to the public that the PCR tests are virtually useless, thus the pandemic has no merit or unquestionable facts supporting it. So what are they using now to determine who has the variants or covid? Nowhere are they saying what testing methods are being used.
What happened to the regular flu cases, millions of them, that went missing during the 2020-2021 flu season? How do you get a spike in flu cases in the middle of summer, two years in a row, which has never occurred before? How does pharma explain the fact that according to their trial results, stages 2-3 the ARR, or absolute risk reduction, for the mRNA injections is near 1%? This is the true measure of their effectiveness. And now were are seeing that truth as the injection efficacy is falling rapidly.
Yes, one of the casualties of the pandemic is a total distortion of the term "case," which was hitherto meant to mean someone who is ill, but now refers to someone who may have a tiny fragment of destroyed virus left over in the after body after their immune system handily defeated it without the individual ever feeling a thing.
Hitler was a compulsive germophobe.
It's interesting to read about Hitler's & the Nazi Party's extreme oppression of liberties, via their medical fascism, in their quest to combat the reported TB problem of the day.
A medical fascism that became a main focus of the Nuremberg Code.
COVID restrictions have little to do with disease control and everything to do with governmental control.
The left is using the crisis to spread fear amongst the ignorant, in order to gain and maintain power.
I am a "liberal".
The root of the word & concept "liberal" being traced to the Latin liber, which means "free".
I am disgusted by many contemporary "liberals", whom are recently behaving more like many "conservatives", those "conservatives" that advocated suppression of individual liberties, via acts like the Patriot Act, the War on Drugs, the War on Terrorism, etc.
Similar campaigns of the spreading of fear.
Governmental control has been a two-way street.
It fascinates me how each group of loyal "partisan" followers can so easily recognize & call-out the failures of the actions of their "opponents", but similarly completely fail to recognize the massive failures of the actions of their "own" groups/party.
Groupthink is perhaps amongst the greatest dangers of human Nature.
Cicero said “The one who engages in conversation,
“should not debar others from participating in it, as
if he were entering upon a private monopoly; but,
as in other things, so in a general conversation he
should think it not unfair for each to have his turn.”
There is way too much pig-headedness, way too little cooperation & consideration.
Divide & Conquer has been amonst the most effective strategies for population control.
As is being demonstrated, again, in contemporary times.
A major consequence of amongst the most massive concentrations of wealth & assets in modern times.
The same Cartel of largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks (like Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, Invesco, JP Morgan, the Capital Group, et al), which now exist as the largest investors/controlling shareholders of the largest "competing" corporations, in most every single industry, including the mass media of both the "left" and "right", are profiting off all wars - wars on drugs, wars on terrorism, wars on viruses, wars on the irrational fears of everything.
To everyone I say, JUDGE THYSELF FIRST.
In 2017, the U.S. Census published a special report on the coming "Death Boom", a natural & rapidly rising increase in deaths resulting from the Baby Boom that began in the 1940's.
1946 saw about a 25 percent increase in birth rates.
The cohort life expectancy in 1946 was about 74 yrs (average male/female).
1946 + 74 = 2020.
As per the CDC the group most at-risk from "death from covid" has been the 85+ age group.
Those already about 12 pct beyond their cohort life expectancy.
Factor in that the Baby Boom generation has also been called the "Me first" generation.
Dominated by an extremely large group of people that believe the rest of the world exists merely to serve them.
Like taking extreme measures to protect them from any/all threats to their health.
These are facts that most no one is factoring into the "pandemic" deaths.
Too many people have wasted their lives, working for most purely selfish means & goals.
Thank you for your thoughts. I agree particularly about how "liberals" and "conservatives" each take positions that are inconsistent with their generally-espoused principles.
"The lockdowns are looking less like a gigantic error and more like the unfolding of a fanatical political ideology and policy experiment that attacks core postulates of civilization at their very root."