Civil asset forfeiture started with the war on drugs in the Reagan administration and was originally intended to apply only to the big drug dealers, but early on, they changed their focus from the big fish to the little fish, no doubt thinking that if they went after the demand end of the equation rather than the supply, they could curtail the demand and thus affect the supply. But people being people, many departments discovered that it was a neat, relatively hassle-free way to enhance their budgets and score points.

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Government initially focusing on big fish before casting a much wider net....that sounds a lot like the federal income tax:


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The USPS is refusing to allow businesses to catch customer's packages unless those customers have PO boxes or PMBs in their names. General delivery is next...

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Why were businesses catching packages? Who was throwing the packages?

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Their pitchers, of course.

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Civil asset forfeiture should be outlawed nationwide. It is one of the most egregious abuses that the law enforcement/justice system commits against honest citizens.

I'm surprised that this particular practice (intercepting parcels traveling through the state solely as part of the FedEx routing process) isn't challenged on the basis of its interference with interstate commerce.

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After all, someone has to make up for the current $36 trillion deficit. This practice is becoming of an extremely tyrannical government. Trump will fix it.

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That would be nice, but I think Trump is much more prone to give a blank check to police. And I have no doubt the national debt will -- just like the first time -- be much larger when he leaves office than when he enters it. Here's hoping I'm wrong on both.

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Excellent example of forfiture laws run amuk, benefitting Government Bandits. Thank you!

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There are no ‘good’ cops. That is a complete myth, sold to the masses by a fraudulent media narrative, and parroted by far too many right leaning influencers. “Back the blue”. If they only knew they truth.

There are bad cops. And (silently) complicit cops. That’s it. Nothing in between.

I used to tell some of my clients. [Next time] you should only call in the cops in two situations. If you are taking incoming and you run out of ammo. Or, you’re in a traffic accident that wasn’t your fault and you have a ‘clean’ car and witnesses. Otherwise, you’re way better off figuring it out on your own.

And Prosecutors are worse than cops. They are the most dishonest individuals in the injustice system. Without a doubt.

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Your comment reminds me of this quotation from Robert Higgs:

"The whole 'good/bad cop' question can be disposed of...decisively. We need not enumerate what proportion of cops appears to be good or listen to someone’s anecdote about his Uncle Charlie, an allegedly good cop. We need only consider the following:

-Every cop has agreed as part of his job to enforce laws, all of them.

-Many of the laws are manifestly unjust, and some are even cruel and wicked.

-Therefore, every cop has agreed to act as an enforcer of laws that are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked

Thus, there are no good cops."

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I used to tell them categorically to never call the police. And i would ask (especially of those with long records): how many times has calling them helped you or anyone around you? It's very simple.

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