The racial double standard in this case is incredible! If the racial roles were reversed, it would’ve been a whole different story! If a White cop shot and killed an unarmed Black female, regardless of the circumstances, it would be thoroughly condemned, it would never be justified, and we’d never hear the end of it!
I’m surprised no one has addressed the claims that the shooting was fake, part of the staged aspect of the “insurrection.” There are a number of videos where people break down the video of the shooting and show how it is more akin to a crisis actor-populated government exercise than a real shooting. Here is one of them. Harder to find than they were a few years ago. I’m curious to hear what people hear think.
PS this original post by Brian M is excellent. I don’t mean to distract from that. If this was a real shooting, these concerns and illegalities and hypocrisies are important to point out. And if this was all fake, it will be interesting to see what happens with the civil suit.
Excellent analysis. Had the officer been white and the J6 been black or some other minority this event might have been seen differently, but then again maybe not, since the entire J6 was a staged and provoked to undermine the certification process and to avoid motions to the fraud of the 2020 election. FBI had provocateurs and informants in the crowd. Had this failed to achieve the desired results, the pipe bomb situation was next in line to create an “emergency” to alter congressional proceedings effective suppressing any motions for debate.
I’ve seen the video—the mob Babbitt was part of looked liked they were all whacked out of their minds on meth! One guy was punching glass with his hands to break it and they saw the officer with the unholstered gun and kept pushing Babbitt through the broken window. The methed up tweakers are responsible for Babbitt’s death…not the cop that was tasked with protecting Congress. I guess Trump will pardon the freaks that killed Babbitt??
There are many unsettling things about Byrd’s statements, chief among them his admission that he saw no weapon in Babbitt’s hands, ...
He didn't say that - he said -
“It was later [that] I found out that the subject did not have a weapon, but there was no way to know that at that time, and I could not fully see her hands or what was in the backpack or what the intentions [were].”
Byrd told Holt he acted without observing a weapon in her hands ("there was no way to know that at that time" if she had a weapon). To me, that's the same as an admission that "he saw no weapon in Babbitt's hands." (I didn't say he saw that her hands were empty, which would have been an overstatement.)
Holt then asked him if, based on his training, "does it matter if [Babbitt] was armed or not?" Byrd said "according to law it does not [matter]...based on my training and my policy, what I did was appropriate."
So the cop with a gun is supposed to run once the mob breaks through the door?? The mob saw the unholstered gun and continued to push Babbitt through the broken window…that’s on the mob! If I see an officer with an unholstered gun I quickly turn around and run for cover and indicate I’m not armed and complying with directions. The people on Bourbon Street did just that when they saw officers with unholstered guns running towards an armed terrorist.
Did Byrd actually say 'observing' or just the word see? I can imagine he saw someone breaking through and didn't want to hesitate in reacting, just in case, which police training should deal with so Byrd made a big mistake. Don't motorists get shot if they move their empty hand off the steering wheel? What happened to him after is unbelievable but that is America these days.
My comment does not relate to Ashli or the courageous chumps in prison now from January 6th. I have defended the reputation of the J6ers innocence for years.
I have also shown overwhelming evidence that Floyd's "murder" was a staged false flag, it was staged and he and the cop were freemasonic actors, who knew each other.
Yes, the BLM leadership were corrupt. But thousands of BLM protestors were fed up with the hundreds of blacks murdered each year by cops. IT does not make the CIA-dominated news media, but I have been exposing them since 2013. IT was just the last straw of many, with the defiant cop facing the camera in audacity. There was absolutely no justification for his hold on Floyd, if it had been a real killing.
OF course BLM and the people had no clue at the time of it being staged. Ashli was not protested over due to CIA-dominated news media portraying her as a rebellious violent anti-government attacker of the politicians. Just as January 6th was mis-represented by the press, so has been BLM. It is not just liberal news which is full of deception, all of it is.
And you in your height of hypocrisy blame liberals for not protesting Ashli? Why don't you go out in the streets yourself? You were aware of the truth regarding that, and not a peep!! Deceived liberals could not be expected to do so.
I have made the brothers fully aware of the evils of the government. IF the conservatives actually showed concern, courage, and real awareness, they would rebel in earnest, not just a protest that was no revolution.
The brothers are ready, armed and willing. Conservatives always brag about the second ammendment. THis is the reason it was included in constitution, in case of overbearing unjust government. Will we unite?
The violence at BLM protests was started by a false flag operation instigated by a Trump supporting white supremacist in Minneapolis!! The entire thing is on video!! The protests were peaceful until “umbrella man” threw a hammer through an AutoZone window!! But guess what?? Everyone is responsible for their behavior that engages in violent behavior and so it doesn’t matter that the violence only started after the false flag!!
Man, “conservatives” that don’t support personal responsibility and standing one’s ground!! Now I’ve seen everything!!
Trump will not stop vaccines, we are on the edge of another plandemic, with bird flu bioweapons ready, there is world war brewing and trump filling his cabinet with war hawks as he supports Israel's genocide and tells them to "finish the job" and I could go on. "RFK will not take away anybody's vaccine" Trump made clear as he is considering replacing RFK with Dr Oz, and now RFK (who also supports Israel=AIPAC) sat down with pharmaceuticals and is reconsidering his position. I could go on, but you are probably already set in your illusions placed by the news media.
Maybe I didn't make it clear enough for a genius like you. Look at the very first sentence in my comment. My comment was not about Ashli.
The conservatives are far too patient. For four years over a hundred protestors, most peaceful, have been tortured in worse than solitary confinement for trespassing. One was killed unnecessarily. No cop was really killed by any protestor at J6. As with BLM, the protestors were demonized. tRump is no hero, but protesting is not a crime.
IT was to compare the two protests, both of which were against the overbearing government and the fact that the two =left and right fight against each other while the real evil, laughs and manages to make us think that the establishment is good, while the other (liberal or conservatives) civilians are the evil ones.
I have no idea what umbrella has to do with BLM, but you are a very confused person obviously. THe press is deceptive and photos and videos can be altered. But you know that BLM are all communist and violent because they are black and FOX says so. And you could not comprehend my very clear little comment.
Conservatives and liberals and revolutionists and anarchists etc. need to join forces and fight the establishment.
I thought I had made that incredibly clear and loud, but it seems to need defining for geniuses like you who insist on finding fault and evil and lies in plain clear righteous truth.
No, it was Soros who paid the two men. You are too assuming, and have fallen into the boxes of thinking provided by the establishment. "Umbrella"? The violence was called for in a way. Nobody was killed by BLM protestors. Riots, but no murders. Blacks have been targeted by cops killing unarmed blacks for decades, with cops always getting a paid vacation for it. Administrative leave with pay. The riots happened as a final last straw. Every year cops kill over a thousand people, many are unarmed blacks, I have witnessed literally hundreds of unjust murders by cops. YOu will not see it on CNN or FOX
I had reported on scores of them unreported by the news media. I am responsible for almost all the whites joining BLM, as I had gathered a large following after debating bible doctrines online, debunking pretrib rapture, dispensation of grace, and eternal security.
I was in the suburban white church, and after incarceration for writing my first book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, subtitled TYRANNY THROUGH GOVERNMENT, RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, AND MEDIA DECEPTION, in May 2016, I moved to an urban black ghetto. Still live next to it.
Perhaps I have more knowledge and righteousness than you. I have been incarcerated, assaulted thirty times with several fractured bones, my life threatened by a judge, a man with a gun menaced me, and parole threatened me with decades in prison. I continue to expose the most powerful wealthy and evil people and entities on the planet.
But a conservative kid bringing weapons to shoot BLM protestors killed one, and peaceful "responsible" conservatives donated thousands of dollars to get him a good lawyer. Thousands gave him money so that he would not be punished.
I agree he acted in self-defense shooting the first guy, but then he went back and ran after the second guy he shot, for no reason except that the protestor had insulted him earlier. I investigate matters for myself. I am an investigative and research journalist. The establishment news media is dominated by the CIA, right and left.
I stand my ground. Conservatives that refuse to stand for what they KNOW (not BELIEVE) does not happen. They support wars against Arabs (every politician in DC was complicit to 9-11 demolition job as I prove in my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH) after mossad agents plant the bombs, and Christians believe politicians and pastors saying about ISlam and murder millions of Arabs.
Trump supports Israeli genocide, and Christian conservatives ignore that, ignore his Operation Warp Speed, which he still calls his "greatest achievement" "take it, I did" and he is prosecuted with softball charges, softball interviews, and hoax assassination attempts to make him look anti-establishment, which he is a tool of, not against.
Since you are conservative you probably voted for trump. I hate biden, but trump is even worse. NO democrat or republican politician gets any significant position without proving loyalty to the globalist and Vatican agenda. And I am neither conservative nor liberal. I am outside the boxes of thinking placed by the establishment for easier control over.
Rothschild, as you should know, owns the national bank of every nation, including the federal reserve. He is the richest and second most powerful man in the world, makes wars, does pure evil.
Trump tells the group that he is a freemason. Do not listen to the narrator. What led to his admission was the words " under the blood" spoken by a black freemason, which is occult symbolism often employed by Christian freemasons. Trump recognized that signal and responded.
Trump was given half a billion dollars by his poppa (he is not self-made as he claims) but nonetheless his foolishness constantly had him begging for loans, and bankers did not want to loan him after he showed time and again inability to repay what he borrowed. Filed for bankruptcy. So why did they finally decide to keep him afloat? He would prove to be valuable in the future. He was groomed for years to be a nice little puppet. Ross, whom he appointed as secretary of commerce, was a Rothschild banker, and had been trained in a Jesuit school, as was TRump (Fordham Univ.), had financed Trump years ago. Trump has various connections to Rothschild.
Here is a damning video on Trump. At 5:12 it gives the names of, and the sums paid for hush money, of the half dozen children he raped. At 8:00 you see Trump with his buddy Klaus, who he says is doing a great job. There is more in this great nine minute summation of how you were fooled.
Here is the good video. I finally found it again. IT is in the first 55 minutes in this collection, I did not bother to watch the other three hours. I recommend a good watch. THe creator of this video has made a number of exposings and is talented and intelligent. I highly recommend it. FLoyd's death was clearly a false flag event. Catherine Fitts tells why.
I couldn't find the really good video on it in a brief search, but look it up. Both were freemasons, floyd had been a stripper, and the cop had been a bouncer in the same bar. THE whole thing was staged, the medics were actors, it was a hoax, they deceived the planet. Catherine Austin Fitts figured out why. Look it up.
Courts and police deceive. Judges also. Lawyers work for the government, not their clients who pay them. I have constitutional laws which would free every political prisoner if the law was right just, and honest. No lawyer goes against the government when the government doesn't want them to. They will lose membership on the bar. Civil rights attorneys almost always lose. They value their jobs more than their clients. HEre is the real reason for the riots. Soros funded BLM leadership. The protestors got next to nothing. Except jail. Soros operatives started the violence in Minneapolis, riots followed. Floyd was not killed, look at my previous comment. I have seen better videos proving it. The Fitts videos on this matter have been censored.
Did it contain an audio file of the medical examiner's testimony on the stand during the trial, which was played on some news outlets as part of the daily coverage?
There is no doubt that Ashli Babbitt was the unfortunate victim of police negligence and incompetence. There is also little doubt that the LE was guilty of murder and was not competent or qualified to be employed as a cop. Likely he retained his job because he is black.
Thanks for the great presentation of the scene and the actions of those 8nvolved.
Thank you very much. I knew this was a terribly unjust shooting, but I also learned a few more damning details by researching the article. For example, I'd heard about Byrd leaving his weapon in a public bathroom, but didn't know about the other blemishes on his record.
The racial double standard in this case is incredible! If the racial roles were reversed, it would’ve been a whole different story! If a White cop shot and killed an unarmed Black female, regardless of the circumstances, it would be thoroughly condemned, it would never be justified, and we’d never hear the end of it!
I’m surprised no one has addressed the claims that the shooting was fake, part of the staged aspect of the “insurrection.” There are a number of videos where people break down the video of the shooting and show how it is more akin to a crisis actor-populated government exercise than a real shooting. Here is one of them. Harder to find than they were a few years ago. I’m curious to hear what people hear think.
PS this original post by Brian M is excellent. I don’t mean to distract from that. If this was a real shooting, these concerns and illegalities and hypocrisies are important to point out. And if this was all fake, it will be interesting to see what happens with the civil suit.
Excellent analysis. Had the officer been white and the J6 been black or some other minority this event might have been seen differently, but then again maybe not, since the entire J6 was a staged and provoked to undermine the certification process and to avoid motions to the fraud of the 2020 election. FBI had provocateurs and informants in the crowd. Had this failed to achieve the desired results, the pipe bomb situation was next in line to create an “emergency” to alter congressional proceedings effective suppressing any motions for debate.
I’ve seen the video—the mob Babbitt was part of looked liked they were all whacked out of their minds on meth! One guy was punching glass with his hands to break it and they saw the officer with the unholstered gun and kept pushing Babbitt through the broken window. The methed up tweakers are responsible for Babbitt’s death…not the cop that was tasked with protecting Congress. I guess Trump will pardon the freaks that killed Babbitt??
There are many unsettling things about Byrd’s statements, chief among them his admission that he saw no weapon in Babbitt’s hands, ...
He didn't say that - he said -
“It was later [that] I found out that the subject did not have a weapon, but there was no way to know that at that time, and I could not fully see her hands or what was in the backpack or what the intentions [were].”
Byrd told Holt he acted without observing a weapon in her hands ("there was no way to know that at that time" if she had a weapon). To me, that's the same as an admission that "he saw no weapon in Babbitt's hands." (I didn't say he saw that her hands were empty, which would have been an overstatement.)
Holt then asked him if, based on his training, "does it matter if [Babbitt] was armed or not?" Byrd said "according to law it does not [matter]...based on my training and my policy, what I did was appropriate."
So the cop with a gun is supposed to run once the mob breaks through the door?? The mob saw the unholstered gun and continued to push Babbitt through the broken window…that’s on the mob! If I see an officer with an unholstered gun I quickly turn around and run for cover and indicate I’m not armed and complying with directions. The people on Bourbon Street did just that when they saw officers with unholstered guns running towards an armed terrorist.
Did Byrd actually say 'observing' or just the word see? I can imagine he saw someone breaking through and didn't want to hesitate in reacting, just in case, which police training should deal with so Byrd made a big mistake. Don't motorists get shot if they move their empty hand off the steering wheel? What happened to him after is unbelievable but that is America these days.
My comment does not relate to Ashli or the courageous chumps in prison now from January 6th. I have defended the reputation of the J6ers innocence for years.
I have also shown overwhelming evidence that Floyd's "murder" was a staged false flag, it was staged and he and the cop were freemasonic actors, who knew each other.
Yes, the BLM leadership were corrupt. But thousands of BLM protestors were fed up with the hundreds of blacks murdered each year by cops. IT does not make the CIA-dominated news media, but I have been exposing them since 2013. IT was just the last straw of many, with the defiant cop facing the camera in audacity. There was absolutely no justification for his hold on Floyd, if it had been a real killing.
OF course BLM and the people had no clue at the time of it being staged. Ashli was not protested over due to CIA-dominated news media portraying her as a rebellious violent anti-government attacker of the politicians. Just as January 6th was mis-represented by the press, so has been BLM. It is not just liberal news which is full of deception, all of it is.
And you in your height of hypocrisy blame liberals for not protesting Ashli? Why don't you go out in the streets yourself? You were aware of the truth regarding that, and not a peep!! Deceived liberals could not be expected to do so.
I have made the brothers fully aware of the evils of the government. IF the conservatives actually showed concern, courage, and real awareness, they would rebel in earnest, not just a protest that was no revolution.
The brothers are ready, armed and willing. Conservatives always brag about the second ammendment. THis is the reason it was included in constitution, in case of overbearing unjust government. Will we unite?
The violence at BLM protests was started by a false flag operation instigated by a Trump supporting white supremacist in Minneapolis!! The entire thing is on video!! The protests were peaceful until “umbrella man” threw a hammer through an AutoZone window!! But guess what?? Everyone is responsible for their behavior that engages in violent behavior and so it doesn’t matter that the violence only started after the false flag!!
Man, “conservatives” that don’t support personal responsibility and standing one’s ground!! Now I’ve seen everything!!
Trump will not stop vaccines, we are on the edge of another plandemic, with bird flu bioweapons ready, there is world war brewing and trump filling his cabinet with war hawks as he supports Israel's genocide and tells them to "finish the job" and I could go on. "RFK will not take away anybody's vaccine" Trump made clear as he is considering replacing RFK with Dr Oz, and now RFK (who also supports Israel=AIPAC) sat down with pharmaceuticals and is reconsidering his position. I could go on, but you are probably already set in your illusions placed by the news media.
Maybe I didn't make it clear enough for a genius like you. Look at the very first sentence in my comment. My comment was not about Ashli.
The conservatives are far too patient. For four years over a hundred protestors, most peaceful, have been tortured in worse than solitary confinement for trespassing. One was killed unnecessarily. No cop was really killed by any protestor at J6. As with BLM, the protestors were demonized. tRump is no hero, but protesting is not a crime.
IT was to compare the two protests, both of which were against the overbearing government and the fact that the two =left and right fight against each other while the real evil, laughs and manages to make us think that the establishment is good, while the other (liberal or conservatives) civilians are the evil ones.
I have no idea what umbrella has to do with BLM, but you are a very confused person obviously. THe press is deceptive and photos and videos can be altered. But you know that BLM are all communist and violent because they are black and FOX says so. And you could not comprehend my very clear little comment.
Conservatives and liberals and revolutionists and anarchists etc. need to join forces and fight the establishment.
I thought I had made that incredibly clear and loud, but it seems to need defining for geniuses like you who insist on finding fault and evil and lies in plain clear righteous truth.
No, it was Soros who paid the two men. You are too assuming, and have fallen into the boxes of thinking provided by the establishment. "Umbrella"? The violence was called for in a way. Nobody was killed by BLM protestors. Riots, but no murders. Blacks have been targeted by cops killing unarmed blacks for decades, with cops always getting a paid vacation for it. Administrative leave with pay. The riots happened as a final last straw. Every year cops kill over a thousand people, many are unarmed blacks, I have witnessed literally hundreds of unjust murders by cops. YOu will not see it on CNN or FOX
I had reported on scores of them unreported by the news media. I am responsible for almost all the whites joining BLM, as I had gathered a large following after debating bible doctrines online, debunking pretrib rapture, dispensation of grace, and eternal security.
I was in the suburban white church, and after incarceration for writing my first book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, subtitled TYRANNY THROUGH GOVERNMENT, RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, AND MEDIA DECEPTION, in May 2016, I moved to an urban black ghetto. Still live next to it.
Perhaps I have more knowledge and righteousness than you. I have been incarcerated, assaulted thirty times with several fractured bones, my life threatened by a judge, a man with a gun menaced me, and parole threatened me with decades in prison. I continue to expose the most powerful wealthy and evil people and entities on the planet.
But a conservative kid bringing weapons to shoot BLM protestors killed one, and peaceful "responsible" conservatives donated thousands of dollars to get him a good lawyer. Thousands gave him money so that he would not be punished.
I agree he acted in self-defense shooting the first guy, but then he went back and ran after the second guy he shot, for no reason except that the protestor had insulted him earlier. I investigate matters for myself. I am an investigative and research journalist. The establishment news media is dominated by the CIA, right and left.
I stand my ground. Conservatives that refuse to stand for what they KNOW (not BELIEVE) does not happen. They support wars against Arabs (every politician in DC was complicit to 9-11 demolition job as I prove in my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH) after mossad agents plant the bombs, and Christians believe politicians and pastors saying about ISlam and murder millions of Arabs.
Trump supports Israeli genocide, and Christian conservatives ignore that, ignore his Operation Warp Speed, which he still calls his "greatest achievement" "take it, I did" and he is prosecuted with softball charges, softball interviews, and hoax assassination attempts to make him look anti-establishment, which he is a tool of, not against.
I have facts.
Since you are conservative you probably voted for trump. I hate biden, but trump is even worse. NO democrat or republican politician gets any significant position without proving loyalty to the globalist and Vatican agenda. And I am neither conservative nor liberal. I am outside the boxes of thinking placed by the establishment for easier control over.
Rothschild, as you should know, owns the national bank of every nation, including the federal reserve. He is the richest and second most powerful man in the world, makes wars, does pure evil.
Trump tells the group that he is a freemason. Do not listen to the narrator. What led to his admission was the words " under the blood" spoken by a black freemason, which is occult symbolism often employed by Christian freemasons. Trump recognized that signal and responded.
Trump was given half a billion dollars by his poppa (he is not self-made as he claims) but nonetheless his foolishness constantly had him begging for loans, and bankers did not want to loan him after he showed time and again inability to repay what he borrowed. Filed for bankruptcy. So why did they finally decide to keep him afloat? He would prove to be valuable in the future. He was groomed for years to be a nice little puppet. Ross, whom he appointed as secretary of commerce, was a Rothschild banker, and had been trained in a Jesuit school, as was TRump (Fordham Univ.), had financed Trump years ago. Trump has various connections to Rothschild.
Epstein's book 5:14 and 7:14
Here is a damning video on Trump. At 5:12 it gives the names of, and the sums paid for hush money, of the half dozen children he raped. At 8:00 you see Trump with his buddy Klaus, who he says is doing a great job. There is more in this great nine minute summation of how you were fooled.
13 year old trump raped on Epstein’s island
my website where you can sign up for a free newsletter and books attached to it.
George Floyd died of a self-induced drug overdose, as explained by a medical examiner during the wrongly convicted police officer's trial.
Here is the good video. I finally found it again. IT is in the first 55 minutes in this collection, I did not bother to watch the other three hours. I recommend a good watch. THe creator of this video has made a number of exposings and is talented and intelligent. I highly recommend it. FLoyd's death was clearly a false flag event. Catherine Fitts tells why.
The video won't launch for me.
I checked it. Works for me.
We probably have unrelated ISPs.
In reality he didn't die, it was a staged event. HOld on.
I couldn't find the really good video on it in a brief search, but look it up. Both were freemasons, floyd had been a stripper, and the cop had been a bouncer in the same bar. THE whole thing was staged, the medics were actors, it was a hoax, they deceived the planet. Catherine Austin Fitts figured out why. Look it up.
I don't think it's true that George Floyd died of an overdose. I found Radley Balko's in-depth article on the topic persuasive on that point:
Courts and police deceive. Judges also. Lawyers work for the government, not their clients who pay them. I have constitutional laws which would free every political prisoner if the law was right just, and honest. No lawyer goes against the government when the government doesn't want them to. They will lose membership on the bar. Civil rights attorneys almost always lose. They value their jobs more than their clients. HEre is the real reason for the riots. Soros funded BLM leadership. The protestors got next to nothing. Except jail. Soros operatives started the violence in Minneapolis, riots followed. Floyd was not killed, look at my previous comment. I have seen better videos proving it. The Fitts videos on this matter have been censored.
Did it contain an audio file of the medical examiner's testimony on the stand during the trial, which was played on some news outlets as part of the daily coverage?
I found a FItts interview. Why the riots were done where they were. Why Soros funded BLM
There is no doubt that Ashli Babbitt was the unfortunate victim of police negligence and incompetence. There is also little doubt that the LE was guilty of murder and was not competent or qualified to be employed as a cop. Likely he retained his job because he is black.
Thanks for the great presentation of the scene and the actions of those 8nvolved.
Thank you very much. I knew this was a terribly unjust shooting, but I also learned a few more damning details by researching the article. For example, I'd heard about Byrd leaving his weapon in a public bathroom, but didn't know about the other blemishes on his record.
How does cold-blooded murder become negligence and incompetence?
Excellent synopsis. The government hid the identity of Michael Byrd for weeks. Speaks volumes.