This still doesn't address the Israeli "video crew" celebrating as they watched the horror scene, nor why the FBI picked them up and jailed them and then they were clandestinely sent back to Israel that same day that air traffic in the US was stopped nor why the same thing happened with a houseful of Saudi's who left practically everything they had in their house, with breakfast still on the table and whisked that same day back to Saudi Arabia.

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The hand-written calculation in the photo appears to be an attempt to work out the altitude at which the pilot can see a given distance, e.g. 50 miles. It is high-school math. There is nothing sinister about it, and the two FBI "special agents with engineering degrees" and the "experienced commercial airline pilot" are either fools, liars, or figments of the imagination of the reporter from "Business Insider".

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As my 10th grade geometry teacher would attest, I'm ill-equipped to parse through the math. However, for those who'd like to look under the hood, here's a link to the FBI's 10-page analysis of the equation and its potential use.


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Thanks, that's useful. The document agrees that the equation relates altitude to the distance to the horizon. The document suggests that the purpose was to calculate a rate of descent, but this inference depends on the context of the document, and guesses about the meaning of some of the numbers in the addition sums after the equation. Even so it is speculative. The altitude computed does not correspond to the cruising altitude of a modern passenger jet. The calculation does not include the further steps needed to compute the descent rate in feet per minute. Further interpretation might be possible if combined with the flight path of AA77, including altitude. Otherwise, the calculation could be just the work of a curious passenger asking "How high must the plane be for me to see 50 miles? And 70 miles?"

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With regard to Biden executive order 9/11 documents , the public had a redacted version , the 9/11 families lawyers had for most part a unredacted copy

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Excellent reporting. I'm sure you know this work, but for other visitors like myself, Robert Baer's (former CIA spook): "Sleeping With the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude" (2004) provides some essential context for that period. (Yes, one must read it critically -- but still worth reading). An archived review at the American Prospect: http://www.prospect.org/print-friendly/webfeatures/2003/08/rozen-l-08-15.html

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Thank you. Craig Unger's "House of Bush, House of Saud" is another good one.

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Its' becoming another Kennedy assassination brouhaha where over 58 years later, we still don't know the truth. Check back in 2075 for an update on the 9-11 fiasco. How about the UFO's? How about the clinton crime organization? About the time we get all the mRNA gene therapy injection data, maybe we will get a few answers before the turn of the century. Stay tuned!

This government (the entire DC Swamp) has go to go. It serves no other purpose but to enforce slavery and subjugation upon the citizens.

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With so many dark government scandals, the truth comes out so much later that it's viewed merely as historically interesting rather than generating proper anger and a demands for accountability. By that time, those who'd be held accountable—even if only in the court of public opinion—may no longer be living.

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I am beyond appalled that we are learning all this nearly 21 years later. Shameful.

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