Iran's nuclear weapons program is very much existant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmSao-j7Xr4

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The American people have gotten tired of the demands, bullying, and blackmail the American government has received from the fully nuclear armed, viciously apartheid, theocracy which is what Israel has become in the 21st century.

And we have one word for you: enough!!

We will provide you no more American military to get slaughtered or maimed for life in the process of "neutralizing" all your alleged existential threats in the Middle East. And of course, as we both know, that includes all of your neighbors in the region.

And on top of that, sir, we would appreciate it greatly if the US government immediately pull all financial and military aid from your country immediately, as all this aid is completely illegal under the Symington Amendment.

We the people would like to see this accomplished and immediately, sir. The days of the host/parasite relationship between the Us government and that of Israel may well be coming to a very abrupt halt, and it is damn well about time, sir!!!

Sun comes up, Israel demands money. Sun goes down, Israel demands money. Moon waxes, Israel demands money. Moon wanes, Israel demands money. Weather is sunny, Israel demands money. Weather is rainy, Israel demands money. I sense a pattern here!

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This is a very interesting, 43-minute BBC documentary, "Israel's Secret Weapon," about the country's nuclear (and chemical) weapons program, that centers on Vanunu's story: https://vimeo.com/76901546

The 2003 documentary so outraged the Israeli government that it severed ties with the BBC and compared the production to the "worst of Nazi propaganda."

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Stark Outtakes and Extras:

More on Vanunu, the Israeli technician who revealed nuclear secrets...Though released, Vanunu is far from free: He’s forbidden to leave Israel, faces other restrictions on movement and his communications with journalists, and has been periodically charged with violating those conditions and re-imprisoned.

The female agent who lured him to Italy is now a real estate agent in Florida


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