Amen. I've been beating the drum on this issue for decades, ever since I was a law student, and it's good to know that more people are waking up to the rampant illegality of the modern federal government (which bears almost zero resemblance to the government described in the Constitution). What's truly stunning is that most lawyers know …
Amen. I've been beating the drum on this issue for decades, ever since I was a law student, and it's good to know that more people are waking up to the rampant illegality of the modern federal government (which bears almost zero resemblance to the government described in the Constitution). What's truly stunning is that most lawyers know this but think it's a good thing, thereby abdicating their oath of admission to the bar. Even the Supreme Court admitted as much way back in the 1950s: "[The Constitution] must be understood as an Eighteenth-Century sketch of a government hoped for, not as a blueprint of the Government that is." Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 653 (1952) (Jackson, J., concurring).
About 20 years ago I wrote a book devoted to this topic but couldn't find a publisher because it was deemed too controversial. I wound up self-publishing it, but it's gone out of print, so I'm using the tools on Amazon to get it back out there.
Another abuse of power worth discussing is how the Supreme Court routinely interferes with state and local matters under the guise of the 14th Amendment's language concerning due process and equal protection, which had a very narrow goal of ensuring that the former slaves enjoyed the same rights as everyone else. By ignoring its early rulings on this issue, the Court now acts as a tyrant that amends the Constitution at will to destroy the States’ independence in matters of public health, safety, and morals (as reserved by the 10th Amendment). Unfortunately, many Americans think they are striking a blow for freedom whenever they run to federal court to overturn an unpopular state law, but they are merely sealing their own fate by making the States weaker and the feds stronger. The Court’s recent reversal of Roe v. Wade was a step in the right direction, but the Court continues interfering an all manner of other activities that are none of the federal government’s business.
And, of course, another important issue is how the President has usurped the power to initiate war without obtaining the necessary declaration of same from Congress, which hasn’t happened since World War II. We are currently on the brink of a dangerous confrontation with Russia that could spiral out of control, yet this has happened by the President’s unilateral action, a situation that the Founders specifically sought to avoid.
Thank you for educating people about America’s sad state of affairs.
Amen. I've been beating the drum on this issue for decades, ever since I was a law student, and it's good to know that more people are waking up to the rampant illegality of the modern federal government (which bears almost zero resemblance to the government described in the Constitution). What's truly stunning is that most lawyers know this but think it's a good thing, thereby abdicating their oath of admission to the bar. Even the Supreme Court admitted as much way back in the 1950s: "[The Constitution] must be understood as an Eighteenth-Century sketch of a government hoped for, not as a blueprint of the Government that is." Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 653 (1952) (Jackson, J., concurring).
About 20 years ago I wrote a book devoted to this topic but couldn't find a publisher because it was deemed too controversial. I wound up self-publishing it, but it's gone out of print, so I'm using the tools on Amazon to get it back out there.
Another abuse of power worth discussing is how the Supreme Court routinely interferes with state and local matters under the guise of the 14th Amendment's language concerning due process and equal protection, which had a very narrow goal of ensuring that the former slaves enjoyed the same rights as everyone else. By ignoring its early rulings on this issue, the Court now acts as a tyrant that amends the Constitution at will to destroy the States’ independence in matters of public health, safety, and morals (as reserved by the 10th Amendment). Unfortunately, many Americans think they are striking a blow for freedom whenever they run to federal court to overturn an unpopular state law, but they are merely sealing their own fate by making the States weaker and the feds stronger. The Court’s recent reversal of Roe v. Wade was a step in the right direction, but the Court continues interfering an all manner of other activities that are none of the federal government’s business.
And, of course, another important issue is how the President has usurped the power to initiate war without obtaining the necessary declaration of same from Congress, which hasn’t happened since World War II. We are currently on the brink of a dangerous confrontation with Russia that could spiral out of control, yet this has happened by the President’s unilateral action, a situation that the Founders specifically sought to avoid.
Thank you for educating people about America’s sad state of affairs.